
If you plan to attend the 2012 NFPA Conference and Expo in Las Vegas, June 11-13, we've included a registration link to the Expo below.
New Product News
Keltron Ethernet (IP) Receiver
To enable municipalities, multi-building facilities and central stations to add Ethernet (IP) signaling to an existing alarm monitoring system, Keltron offers the Keltron LS CSR Ethernet Receiver. The Keltron LS CSR receiver accepts addressable signals from over 65 diverse brands and models of alarm panels using the Keltron LS Net series of Ethernet (IP) transceivers. It is easily integrated into your existing systems and provides an improved level of information accuracy using the most current communications technology. To learn more about the Keltron Ethernet receiver read the datasheet >
Keltron LS Net 923AC Ethernet Transceiver
Introducing the newest in Keltron’s series of Ethernet transceivers – the Keltron LS NET923AC Ethernet transceiver. This version leverages dialer technology in existing fire alarm control panels (FACPs) and security systems and transmits signals to the receiving station using
secure, supervised Ethernet communication. To learn more about this version of the Keltron Ethernet series transceivers click here >
Customer News
We are always pleased to welcome both new customers and customers that are upgrading their existing systems:
New campus installations include SUNY Cortland, NY, and an upgrade at Philips Exeter Academy, NH.
New facility installations include US Steel Great Lakes, MI and Swanson Correctional Center, LA, and upgrades to existing Keltron systems at Miller Brewing Company, WI, NYU Medical Center, NY, and Roche Pharmaceutical, NJ.
And from far North and far West, the Inuvik Fire Department in Northwest Territories in Canada, the Marshall Islands Fire Department in the South Pacific have both upgraded their existing Keltron systems to take advantage of newer technology.
Training News
To ensure that your associates are properly trained in the installation, maintenance and service of your Keltron system, we offer a range of training options including complete installation and refresher courses. For system administrators and operators we offer advanced dispatching and programming training. To learn more or arrange training please call 781-916-2050.
Upcoming Events
If you are planning to attend the upcoming 2012 NFPA Conference and Expo in Las Vegas, June 11-13, please visit Keltron's booth #1725 to meet the Keltron team and learn how Keltron's solutions can benefit your organization.
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